Enid's Blog

Commentary: A Story of Freedom and Gratitude

Peeling the apples, adding the walnuts and honey and, of course, the special wine.  Charoset. Yum.

It is one of the tastes on the ceremonial Passover Seder plate representing the mortar used by the slaves of the Pharaoh to build his city thousands of years ago. There are others, like salt water to represent tears and bitter herbs for burden.

Every year the story is retold, especially to the younger generations, to understand, to feel, and never to forget.  Every year, the pain is fresh.  Around the Seder table there is talk of what it means to be free.  And there is awareness and gratitude.  Freedom is a gift, both precious and fragile.

For the children and for those remembering when they were children, there are traditions that delight.

But the underlying story is one of a leader deciding to enslave a minority living in his midst. It is about hardship and abuse and inequality. A desperate flight.  A miraculous story of escape to a new life.

That was then and this is now, yet slavery and ethnic cleansing still happens. Human trafficking flourishes.  Basic human rights are denied with impunity.  Exploitation.  Persecution. Subjugation. They are pervasive. For so many, freedom is only an idea.

When fleeing begets freedom, it can be at an unimaginable price as people try to escape all that holds them captive, whether regimes, religious law, poverty, mental illness, abuse, or other oppression, even the barriers or even cages we impose on ourselves through fear.

In the absence of divine intervention, how can freedom be achieved and by whom?  How can political action, economic policy, technology, and especially charitable outreach, address freedom’s most basic tenet, human dignity?

And when we are privileged to know freedom, do we accept the responsibility that goes along with that privilege?   Do we feel gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy, from the bounty of food we eat to the rights we so easily take for granted?  Do we welcome the stranger to our table?

Whether it is when we learn of another group of refugees arriving (or not) on a foreign shore or of a battered woman seeking shelter at a safe house, we have too many reminders and an abundance of opportunities to act. To give. To be an advocate. To volunteer.  To give money to an organization that can help.

One gift can impact one person and maybe, just maybe, that person will know, even fleetingly the meaning of freedom, even if just the freedom to hope.

There is a song sung merrily at the end of a Seder.  The refrain starts with the word Dayenu which means “enough” or literally, “it would have been enough.”

Dayenu is a reminder to be grateful for the things that would have been enough, like freedom.






Did You Know?: Volunteers Matter!

According to the Independent Sector, the average value of a volunteer’s time in 2015 in the US was $23.56. The amounts differed by state with the low (Arkansas) of $19.14 and the high (Washington DC) of $38.77.

More than 60 million Americans volunteered nearly 8 billion hours of service in 2014. When translated into monetary terms, that’s over 180 billion dollars.  In one year.

Giving time matters.

Here We Go!

Most of you got to this site because you saw my Fare (and Give) Well column in the Daily Camera, published April 2, 2016. (If you haven’t read it, in summary, “out with the old, in with the new.”)

And so it begins. A new chapter for MAKING MONEY MATTER…on-line only, on its own website and interactive! Let’s have some fun.

There’s lots we can do together. Please make suggestions in the comment section below. This enterprise is for you and about you as donors, non-profit leaders, and development professionals.

For starters, a quick thank you to all of you who commented on the Feminism and Philanthropy column from March. It is a theme that will be repeated and expanded in future columns.

It will take some time to build the site, but blogposts will be forthcoming, some short, others full length columns. In the meantime, here is a snippet for the young and mid-career adults (or hip boomers!) who are looking for quick tips: It’s Not Your Parent’s Philanthropy

Welcome to the world of giving.

We all do it. We give to family and friends. To causes and organizations. We give love and time and money. And we all do it differently.

We have different upbringing, influences, styles, motivations, experiences, expectations and even our own perception of satisfaction or joy in the way we give.

How we give, what we give, why we give and when we give is as unique as we are.

MAKING MONEY MATTER is about providing insight and commentary, tips and tools, opinions and references, all to stimulate better giving, better getting and better stewardship. MAKING MONEY MATTER takes a donor-centric point of view and celebrates the alignment of values that drives and sustains the ever-growing, increasingly important Third Sector.

Introduction to the site.

Enid’s Blog is a conversation about giving.  Posts will include new articles continuing her popular MAKING MONEY MATTER column (with nearly 200 previously published articles in the Daily Camera), and so much more.  Short blurbs on recent news-worthy philanthropic reports or events or resources.   Tools developed for donors or fundraisers. Best practices for non-profits and fundraisers.  Donor Stories.   “Did you Know?” and “Tax-wise Giving.”  Exploration of gift and estate planning philanthropic strategies.  Answers to questions posed by readers.  Controversial issues and opinions on philanthropy. I invite you to participate through comments and submissions to [email protected].

Articles and Resources is a place to go to find Enid’s (copyrighted) writings and resources.  There will also be curated reports or articles by others organized by themes or by date.

Links provides great sources of more information at select websites organized by categories with short narrative descriptions.

Explore the 1.0 version of this website knowing there’s much more to come!